5 modern paint effects to transform any room

Spruce up your walls with the new generation paint effects

Bored with a solid colour on your walls? Want to add pattern and interest without the hassle of using wallpaper? Read on to find out our top 5 favourite modern paint effects that will transform your walls from mundane to marvellous.

Be sure to visit our free online paint service to help with your room transformation. You can get testers to help you with your colour choice. Then, once you’ve decided on your colour, our service will guide you through the process of picking the best features and finishes for your space and custom-make the perfect paint for you. All orders are then delivered to your home within 2 working days. Use voucher code AMAZING at the checkout to get free delivery.(T&C’s apply)

Effect 1: Stripes


Stripes are sartorially chic and work well in both classic and contemporary interior schemes. As well as being decorative, they can change the appearance of a room with vertical stripes making your space appear taller and horizontal ones creating the illusion of a wider space great for those narrow living rooms or bedrooms.

And how to get your lines neat and crisp? Believe it or not, you can use sticky tape, such as Washi tape! Whether you’re adding a single sophisticated stripe across a feature wall or a fun repeat pattern, the paint can bleed a little bit under the tape. To avoid this happening start by applying your first colour or base tone. When it’s dry, stick the tape in a straight line (use a spirit level as guidance) and using the same paint, go along the edge of it. This might seem a bit odd but it will seal the edge of your design with the colour so when you apply the second shade it won’t seep underneath – giving you a crisp and even line.

Effect 2: Ombre


Ombre has been uber fashionable when it comes to interiors for a while now and offers a great way to add colour to a room without having to commit to a solid painted wall. Once you have chosen your paint colour, select four to five shades lighter (our handy colour selector can help you choose the right shades) then you need to decide whether you want your ombre effect to go from dark to light, top to bottom or vice versa. Once you’ve decided, mark the wall using a ruler and pencil and paint your colours in the order you have selected.

 Effect 3: Colour Wash


Colour washing creates a more subtle look than a painted solid wall and makes your paint go further too! You simply mix your chosen paint with water in a large bucket and then brush it on the walls in a random fashion. How much water you use will affect the strength of the paint and therefore overall colour. Don’t worry about being too careful with how you paint the walls, as the object is to create an almost watercolour effect.

Effect 4: Trompe-O’eil  


Trompe-O’eil is French for “deceive the eye” and dates back to ancient times. Usually used to depict windows or doors to make a room appear more spacious, modern trompe-o’eil can be used to depict items such as walls clocks, frames and Bridget Riley-style optical illusions. We love this trompe-o’eil headboard in this bedroom which has been created using a darker shade of paint. Simply choose the shape you want your headboard to be and mark it with a pencil before painting the area with your chosen colour.

Effect 5: Stencilling


If stencilling leaves you cold and conjures up images of naff 80s bunches of grapes, think again. Modern stencilling is a great way to add depth and interest to plain walls. Children’s rooms are particularly suited to stencilling and you can find tonnes of inspiration on Instagram and Pinterest. An ideal way to make use of leftover paint, or tester packs! An affordable and easy way to create a stencilled alphabet in a kid’s room is by using those plastic stencil kits that come with most stationery sets.

We can’t wait to see how you’ve transformed your walls using our ideas so please share your pics on our Instagram and Facebook pages.

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Twitter: @DuluxAmazing

Are you after some more colour inspiration? 

Visit our handy colour selector to see what colour grabs you.  Any full tin paint purchased up until 13th February will be delivered to your door completely free.  Just use the voucher code AMAZING at the checkout (T&C’s apply).  Or check our other articles for more inspiration.